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Sitemap - MIRO Systemy Szybowcowe: instruments, electronics and other accessories for gliders
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Table of contents

  1. Main page

  2. SCHEMPP-HIRTH gliders

    1. Discus
    2. Ventus Novelty!
    3. Duo Discus
    4. Arcus
  3. HPH gliders

    1. HPH 304S Shark
  4. FLARM

    1. PowerFLARM Portable ADS-B
    2. PowerFLARM Fusion ADS-B, IGC + ENL
    3. LX Flarm Eagle II
    4. LX Flarm Eagle Mobile
    5. LX Flarm Eagle + LED display
    6. LX Flarm Eagle IGC + LED display
    7. PowerMouse
    8. FlarmBat
    9. FLARM displays

      1. BUTTERFLY BD57
      2. BUTTERFLY External
      3. LX Traffic monitor 57 Novelty!
      4. LX Traffic monitor 80 Novelty!
      5. Flarm display V3
      6. Flarm display V3+
      7. Flarm display V4
      8. Flarm colour display LX FLARM II
      9. Flarm LED display
      10. FlarmView
      11. FlarmView II
      12. FlarmView 57
    10. Antennas and other equipment

  5. Loggers IGC

    1. Colibri X Novelty!
    2. Colibri II
    3. LX MOP IGC - logger assigned for jet engines Novelty!
    4. Oudie IGC
    5. Oudie 2
    6. NANO III
    7. NANO
    8. Oudie 2 Lite
    9. Accessories for Oudie
  6. LX NAVIGATION - variometers, loggers

    1. Variometers from LX Navigation

      1. LX 10K Novelty!
      2. LX 10K D Novelty!
      3. LX EOS 80
      4. LX ERA 80
      5. LX ERA 57
      6. LX HELIOS 80
      7. LX HELIOS 57
      8. LX EOS D/ ERA D
    2. Additional equipment LX Navigation

      1. LX Horis 57 Novelty!
      2. Flap sensor Novelty!
      3. LX Nav Box Novelty!
  7. LXNAV - variometers, loggers

    1. Variometers from LX NAV

      1. LX 9070/9000/9050/8000/8080 D
    2. Additional equipment LX NAV

      1. Option Power FLARM for 90xx/80xx
  8. Allweather covers MIRO

    1. Allweather covers MIRO v.2015
    2. Conopy cover
  9. Radios, transponders and ELTs

    1. Radios

      1. Radio KRT2
      2. Radio ATR833S
      3. Becker AR6201-(022)
      4. Becker AR6201-(012)
      5. IC - A220T
      6. Becker RCU6201-(012)
      7. ACD-57
      8. AC-1
      9. FSG8
    2. Transponders

      1. Transponder KTX2
      2. VT - 01
      3. VT - 2000
      4. VT - 02
      5. VT - 01 - main unit
      6. ACD-57
    3. ELT & PLB

      1. ELT McMurdo 406 Integra
      2. McMurdo Fast Find 220 - PLB
      3. ELT ACK E-04
      4. Remote control RC200
      5. Remote control RC102
  10. IMI - ground handling systems

    1. Tow Bar XXL
    2. One Man Rigging System
    3. Power One Man Rigging System Novelty!
  11. ESA Systems - TE probes

    1. TE probes

      1. RU/UN
      2. DN/UN
      3. BR/UN
      4. RU/ST
      5. DN/ST
      6. BR/ST
      7. RUT/ST
      8. BRT/ST
      9. Cover for probe DN, RU and BR
    2. Multi Probes

      1. MNI/UN
      2. MBR/UN
      3. GMBR/UNG
      4. MNIC/UN
      5. DN/3-fach/UN
      6. DN/STATEK
      8. Cover for probe MNI/UN and MBR/UN
      9. Cover for probe MNIC/ST, MBRC/UN, DN/3-fach/UN and DN/STATEK
    3. Prandtl tubes

      1. PR/UN
    4. Pitot tube

      1. STR/BRÖZEL
    5. UL set

      1. UL Set
    6. Mounting Adapters

      1. Adapter ST1
      2. Adapter ST2
      3. Adapter UN
      4. SUN
    7. Adapter cap

      1. AV
    8. Catalogue

      1. CATALOGUE
  12. LIMBACH - engines

    1. Limbach L1700 E0/EA/EC/ED/EB Novelty!
    2. Limbach L2000 E0/EA/EC/EB/DA Novelty!
    3. Limbach L2400 EB/EE Novelty!
    4. Limbach L2400 DF/EF Novelty!
    5. Limbach L2400 DT/ET Novelty!
    6. Limbach L2400 DX Novelty!
    7. Overhauls, spare parts Novelty!
  13. WINTER - instruments

  14. Laminar Aerotec BWS Bugwiper systems

  15. TOST - hooks, wheels, ropes, etc.

    1. Towing hooks

    2. Wheels, tires and brakes

    3. Tow ropes

  16. Rescue parachutes SK-94, RE-5L i ATL

  17. Equipment for GLIDER

  18. LED aviation lights - Thiesen Electronics

    1. Position lights

      1. EPL Novelty!
      2. EPL2is Novelty!
      3. EPLT Novelty!
    2. Anti collision lights

      1. ACL3 Novelty!
      2. ACL4 Novelty!
      3. ACL-module Novelty!
    3. Landing lights

    4. Electronic Rotating Beacons

      1. ERB Novelty!
      2. ERB-H Novelty!
      3. ERB2 Novelty!
      4. ERB2-H Novelty!
  19. EDS oxygene system

  20. For PILOT

  21. COBRA - trailers

    1. Trailers COBRA and CLUBSTAR

    2. Accessories for trailers


  23. Sitemap

  24. Contact

Novelty! Novelty!

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